If you intend on using AWS EC2 to host your Draftable Self-hosted image, this guide provides a step by step process for this exact deployment.
You will need to ensure you have the following ready before beginning this deployment.
- You have logged into your AWS console with elevated privileges
- You have selected the correct region in the AWS console where you are going to host your instance
Deployment steps
The deployment steps are broken down into the following sections.
- User configuration: Account configuration for the AWS user that will interact with the instance configuration.
- Launching a EC2 instance: Process of the initial configuration for your EC2 instance.
- Instance configuration: Adding the Draftable container to your instance, configuring the Self-hosted instance and restarting your container with Self-hosted configured.
User configuration
- Navigate to your IAM users. We are going to create a new user by selecting the add users option. (Note: if editing an existing user account instead skip to step 5)
- Enter details for the new user, ensure that you have the following AWS credential parameters enabled: Access Key and Password. Then click next.
- Now we include specific policies on the account. Ensure you include the AdministratorAccess and IAMUserChangePassword policies to the account. Then click next.
- Ignoring the tags step, go straight to the review page. Ensure that the two policies we added earlier are present. If all looks good, click create user.
- Open the user account again and go the permissions page. We to add an additional permission called AmazonEC2ContainerRegistryFullAccess. Add this policy and hit next, then add permissions.
Launching a EC2 instance
Ensure you have setup the following:
- Logged into the AWS console as the user created/edit in the user configuration section.
- Have the correct region selected before continuing with instance setup.
- Navigate to the EC2 dashboard and select the Launch instance option.
- Draftable API Self-hosted runs on any Linux operating system which has both docker support and uses a Linux kernel. Provide a name for your instance and then select Amazon Linux as the AMI.
Note: You can deviate from the example below and choose a different Linux operating system, as long as it still supports the above requirements. - Continue to configure the instance by selecting a x64 architecture, and then selecting a instance type that is at least t2.medium or higher. Key pair should be the same one used as part as the login for the AWS user.
- Configure the network settings as detailed below, create a new firewall security group and allow SSH, HTTPS and HTTP traffic from the internet. Depending on your use case you may want to change some of these parameters at a later time, but for the configuration process please allow all during the setup process.
Following this configuration, you should be left with a following summary of settings. Ensure they are correct to the settings provided earlier. - Click launch instance. Your EC2 instance should now be running.
Instance configuration
Ensure you have setup the following:
- Logged into the AWS console as the user created/edit in the user configuration section.
- Are on the instances page before continuing.
- Select on your newly created instance and click on connect to your instance. Ensure the username s correct and then select connect.
- In this instance terminal we will configure and add the latest Draftable Self-hosted image. First we need to add docker to the instance, which can be done with the command below:
sudo yum install -y docker
- Now we need to add docker-compose to the instance, use the commands below:
sudo curl -L https://github.com/docker/compose/releases/latest/download/docker-compose-$(uname -s)-$(uname -m) -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
- We can now verify that docker compose has installed correctly by using the command below:
docker-compose version
- Now create the docker-compose.yml file, use the command below:
touch docker-compose.yml
- Now we need to edit the docker-compose file to add all the correct parameters for the instance. To start editing the file use the command below:
nano docker-compose.yml
- Now using this file editor, populate the YAML file with the correct configuration. For references on this topic see our docker-compose guide and settings reference. For this example we are using the most basic YAML configuration.
- Save and close the docker-compose file, and then start the docker daemon with the following command:
sudo systemctl start docker
- Now start the instance using the command below:
docker-compose up
Note: You may receive a permissions error regarding the instance trying to connect to the Docker Daemon. If so run this command to correct permissions:sudo chmod 666 /var/run/docker.sock
- Your instance should launch from here. You can go back to your EC2 instances list and extract a IP address to connect to your instance via the web browser to start configuration.
- From here, please refer to our first time configuration guide.
If you are having difficulty following this guide or getting Draftable Self-hosted to work on your AWS EC2, please get in contact with our support team at support@draftable.com.