Whether you are completely new to running dockerized containers, or you are an experienced user, this page will outline which articles will be most useful for you to begin with.
Before you begin
System requirements for a Self Hosted Instance: This outlines the hardware and software requirements for a Self Hosted instance.
Launching APISH container methods
Using "Docker Compose" to Launch Instances: For users who want to launch containers via the docker compose command.
Setup and managing your instance
Draftable Self-hosted instance first time configuration: Once you have a container up and running, you need to ensure that it is configured correctly.
Creating new users: Provides a clear guideline on the process of creating new users for your Self-hosted instance.
Manging user settings: There are many configurable options for your user accounts, this article shows you how.
Cloud based deployment articles
API Self-hosted AWS copilot deployment guide: For launching API Self Hosted via AWS Co-pilot.
API Self Hosted AWS ECS deployment guide: For configuring Self Hosted via ECS.
AWS Load Balancer configuration: For users wanting to setup a AWS load balancer between instance and client, this guide will assist you.