In direct response to user feedback, the Draftable team is developing a dedicated comparison algorithm to compare PowerPoint files and produce a PowerPoint file with changes shown as redlined markup. This is currently in beta testing. We expect a Preview of this feature to be available to customers in October 2024. If you want to see a demonstration of this feature or register to be a early testers, please contact your Account Executive or contact
In the meantime, Draftable Legal currently supports PowerPoint file comparisons via two approaches:
- Using the Side-by-Side comparison type (Recommended)
- Using PowerPoint's Native Tracked Changes comparison
This article shows you how to run both of these comparisons.
ideo Resource: This topic is included in our specially crafted explainer video, accessible via this link.
How to compare PowerPoint files in the Side-by-Side Comparison Type
- Open the Draftable Legal New Comparison window.
- Select the two documents you want to compare, either by browsing your files or dragging and dropping them into the compare window.
- Once the documents are selected, tick the box for Side by Side in the comparison type row.
- Click the Compare button to run the comparison. When the comparison is complete, it will open in the Draftable Comparison Viewer with the older PowerPoint file on the left and newer on the right. Side by side comparisons show changes using highlights instead of redline markup.
Reviewing your comparison in Draftable
- The Comparison Viewer shows all changes in a dynamic Change List on the right-hand side of the screen.
- You can scroll through the Change List and click on any change to jump to its location and have the change highlighted with a blue box on both versions shown.
- Users can tag changes by selecting the Tag Icon on the top right corner of the individual change card in the change list. This will display a list of 5 tagging options to choose from. Multi-tagging of changes is also possible.
- Users can also leave Notes on changes by selecting the Change Card, writing a note at the bottom of the card and hitting Enter to save the Note.
- Users can filter changes by using the Interactive Filter Menu, available at the top of the change list. This can be opened by selecting the Details drop-down menu in the top right corner of the Change List.
- Users can see filtering options by selecting either the Only Show or Do Not Show entry forms. This will display a list of filtering options including Change Type, Style Changes, Tags and Notes.
- Once all review of changes is completed, users can share the Change List, along with any Tags and Notes with colleagues or external parties via the Changes Report command in the top left of the ribbon menu.
- When you click on the Changes Report command, a drop-down list will provide options to export changes by copying to clipboard or exporting to a .csv using either the filtered or unfiltered Change List.
Saving / printing / sharing your PowerPoint comparison as a PDF
- To save, print or email the Side by Side comparison, select the Next Action Icon on the top right corner of the Change List.
This will hide the Change List and show the Next Action menu in its place. - In the Next Action Menu, you can select from one of the following options
Open will open the PDF of your Side by Side Comparison in your default PDF viewer application, usually Adobe Acrobat Reader (pictured).
The PDF export will include a cover page and should default to showing a side-by-side view even when you view the export.
Save will open a save window for saving a PDF of the Side by Side comparison to your local computer.
Save to DMS will open a save window for saving a PDF of the Side by Side comparison to your DMS (specific save to DMS options are displayed based on your DMS integration settings).
Print will open a window to print your Side by Side Comparison.
Copy to Clipboard will allow you to copy your Side by Side PDF file along with your input files to the clipboard for pasting in a folder or directly into an email.
Email will automatically generate an email with the selected files. You can select the Side by Side PDF along with your input files.
How to compare PowerPoint files in the PowerPoint's Native Tracked Changes Comparison Type (Native in MS Office)
For users who wish to run a PowerPoint comparison to continue working in PowerPoint, a Side-by-side comparison may not be suitable. In these cases, Draftable offers comparisons via PowerPoint's native Tracked Changes comparison function. This section outlines how to use this feature.
- Open the Draftable New Comparison Window
- Load your PowerPoint input files, set the Comparison Type to Native in MS Office and hit Compare
- After running the comparison, the comparison file will open directly to PowerPoint.
- Once open, users can navigate changes using the review pane on the right-hand side of their PowerPoint or by using the 'next' and 'previous' change options in the PowerPoint Ribbon menu.
The revision pane will list the changes in the slide shown (in the top half) and changes in the entire presentation (in the bottom half). - Specific details of a change can be seen by clicking on the change in the slide or in the review pane. This will show a dialog with the details of the change. By default, the original view is shown.
To see the change implemented, select the check box in the dialog. - Changes can be accepted or rejected as with MS Word outputs.
- When you have completed your review of changes in PowerPoint, you can use the standard PowerPoint functionality (and any add-ins you have) to save, print, email or share your compared presentation.