Worldox is a desktop based document management system. This article will guide you on how to initiate comparisons by selecting documents from Worldox, and how to preserve these comparison exports as outputs within Worldox. This functionality is available from Draftable v2.15 onwards.
Please note: In order to use the features outline in this article, you must first:
- Set up the Draftable Legal integration with Worldox by updating the.ini files
- Have enabled the Worldox integration in your Draftable Settings.
Selecting input files from Worldox to start a comparison
You can load files into Draftable from Worldox in by right click or by dragging and dropping the files from Worldox into Draftable. You can also load files from within Draftable by using the file selector menu.
Loading files from within Worldox via right click
- In Worldox, navigate to the file you wish to compare and select the file
- Right click the file and select Compare Files
In the popup, where it says "Compare using" you should see Draftable Legal as the selected option from the drop down menu. If necessary you can browse Worldox to find the second file for comparison. If you selected a file with multiple versions (shown) the two most recent versions will be loaded in.
- Once you are ready to compare the files, select OK
- The files will load into Draftable and you can continue to run your comparison in Draftable by selecting the Comparison Type, Profile and pressing Compare
Loading files from within Worldox via Drag & Drop
- Go to Worldox and navigate to the file you wish to compare
- Select the file and drag the file to Draftable (note, if the Draftable window isn't visible, you can drag the file to the Draftable icon on your Windows Start Bar and the Draftable New Comparison Window should appear)
- Once you drop the file into Draftable, it will be loaded. Repeat steps 1 & 2 for the second file you wish to compare.
Load files from within Draftable via the New Comparison Window
- Open the Draftable New Comparison Window, select 'Worldox'
- As the Draftable file navigation window opens, Worldox will open its file browsing UI and you will be able to navigate to and select (double click) the file you wish to load into Draftable.
- Once the file is selected it will load into Draftable.
- Repeat steps 1-2 for the second file and run your comparison.
Saving comparison outputs to Worldox
- First, in the New Comparison Window ensure the "Redline in Draftable" Comparison Type has been selected
- After running a Redline in Draftable comparison, the Draftable Viewer will open. Click on the Save to Worldox option in the Draftable Ribbon found at the top of the Draftable Viewer. This expands the submenu for saving to Worldox.
- This will bring up the Comparison Results options:
You can then select from one of the below options:
Redline: This saves into a .pdf or .docx file where all changes are marked or "redlined" over the base document. This layout allows for easy visual comparison between the original and new versions of the document.Changed Pages Only: This is similar to the Redline option, but it only includes pages where changes have occurred. This is a useful feature if you're dealing with lengthy documents and you want to focus just on the pages with modifications. Can only be saved as a .PDF .
Tracked Changes: This saves into a .docx file with all updates embedded as 'Tracked Changes' in Microsoft Word. This is useful for further editing or reviewing in Word, as you can accept or reject changes individually and keep a record of who made what changes and when.
Changes Report: This will save a summary of the document changes found within the Redline. You can pick to either save this in a DOCX or a CSV file format and show all the Reported changes, or just those Matching the filters you have set in the Change List panel.
Also, if you click on the "Options' link at the top of the Comparison Results pop up window, you will also see three additional choices.
Summary page: Includes a brief summary of the number of changes made, as well at the Markup Schema used for the Redline.
Changes report: Includes the full changes report either at the start of the document or at the end.
Reported changes: Allows change report to either include or the changes in the comparison or just those that you displayed via the filter options.
Select the file type you wish to save and a Worldox save dialog (pictured) will appear shortly after Draftable opens a save window. Enter the required metadata and select OK when ready to save as a new file. Note: you can save as a new version or related file via the same Worldox dialog.